
Gettheworld-leading,American-madeFingerprintSDKforsecurebiometricauthenticationandcustomrecognitionsoftware.Idealfordifferentservices, ...,Awareisaglobalauthenticationcompanythatvalidatesandsecuresidentitiesusingleading-edgeadaptivebiometrics.,Launchcompletefingerprintidentificationsoftwareinminutes.Intuitiveinterfaceandhighperformance,getsyouthemostaccuratefingerprintenrollmentand ...Fingerpr...


Get the world-leading, American-made Fingerprint SDK for secure biometric authentication and custom recognition software. Ideal for different services, ...

Fingerprint Recognition Software from Aware

Aware is a global authentication company that validates and secures identities using leading-edge adaptive biometrics.

Fingerprint Reader and Fingerprint Software Development Kit (SDK)

Launch complete fingerprint identification software in minutes. Intuitive interface and high performance, gets you the most accurate fingerprint enrollment and ... Fingerprint Scanner · Fingerprint SDK · Griaule Fingerprint SDK · Conta

Fingerprint Verification | Fingerprint Identification Software

Perform real-time fingerprint verification with our fingerprint identification software. Eliminate the need for paper-based procedures.


Stop fraud, detect bots, or delight customers. Identify good and bad visitors with industry-leading accuracy - even if they're anonymous.

Fingerprint Recognition Software | Forensic Biometrics

Fingerprint recognition software's role expands: Mobile authentication: Users verify their identity via fingerprint scan to access a mobile.

Fingerprint Recognition Solutions

BIOSITE is a state-of-the-art biometric system for the construction industry. It combines advanced fingerprint technology, cloud based computing and 3G…

Free Fingerprint Verification SDK

Free Fingerprint Verification software development kit is a freeware SDK designed for adding fingerprint verification functionality into various applications. VeriFinger SDK · SDK contents · System requirements · Supported scanners

指紋生物識別技術- Windows apps

本文說明如何將指紋生物識別技術新增至Windows 應用程式,包括在使用者必須同意特定動作時請求指紋驗證,以提高應用程式的安全性。

Fingerprint Biometric Authentication and Verification

HID offers a variety of fingerprint technologies featuring varying image capture methods, security features, form factors and industry certifications.